Recently we have a requirement where we have to remove the duplicates records using sql query in MS CRM 2011.
To better understand the requirement let's describe entity and their relationship
Duplicate Entity :AccountMapping
Related entities related to AccountMapping as below
Having 1:N relationship with AccountMapping
1) CSCall ( One Accountmapping can have multiple CSCalls)
Having N:1 relationship with AccountMapping
1)Account (One Account can have multiple AccountMapping )
Problem Screenshot
What we need to achieve
1)We need to remove the duplicate account mappings.
Example :If their are three duplicate Accountmapping having same AccountNumber then we need to delete
two duplicate Accountmapping
Challenges:Difficulty we were facing was that we have to update the references of the to be deleted duplicate AccountMapping to one AccountMapping records.
Example: If we have one account with two duplicate accountmapping(Say AM-1,AM-1) where first AM-1
is referred by two CSCalls(Say CS-1,CS-2)and second AM-1 is referred by one CSCall (Say- CS-3).
If We are deleting the duplicate accountmapping say second AM-1 then we have to programatically
change the reference of CS-3 to first AM-1.
Refer below diagram to know the requirement.
Solution :
Query 1 :Sql script to get the all Accounts which have duplicate Accountmapping
Query 2:Delete duplicates account mapping which do not referenced in CS Calls
Final Query :Making use of above sql queries Query 1, Query2 also we have written a CURSOR which updates the references of CSCalls and deletes the duplicate Accountmapping.
To better understand the requirement let's describe entity and their relationship
Duplicate Entity :AccountMapping
Related entities related to AccountMapping as below
Having 1:N relationship with AccountMapping
1) CSCall ( One Accountmapping can have multiple CSCalls)
Having N:1 relationship with AccountMapping
1)Account (One Account can have multiple AccountMapping )
Problem Screenshot
What we need to achieve
1)We need to remove the duplicate account mappings.
Example :If their are three duplicate Accountmapping having same AccountNumber then we need to delete
two duplicate Accountmapping
Challenges:Difficulty we were facing was that we have to update the references of the to be deleted duplicate AccountMapping to one AccountMapping records.
Example: If we have one account with two duplicate accountmapping(Say AM-1,AM-1) where first AM-1
is referred by two CSCalls(Say CS-1,CS-2)and second AM-1 is referred by one CSCall (Say- CS-3).
If We are deleting the duplicate accountmapping say second AM-1 then we have to programatically
change the reference of CS-3 to first AM-1.
Refer below diagram to know the requirement.
Query 1 :Sql script to get the all Accounts which have duplicate Accountmapping
select new_accountid,new_accountidname,new_accountnumber,COUNT(1) as DuplicateRecordCount from Filterednew_accountmapping am inner join FilteredAccount ac on ac.accountid = am.new_accountid where new_accountid is not null ac.statecode =0 and am.statecode =0 Group By new_accountid,new_accountidname,new_accountnumber Having COUNT(1) >1
Query 2:Delete duplicates account mapping which do not referenced in CS Calls
begin tran delete from new_accountmappingExtensionBase where new_accountmappingid in ( Select distinct a.new_accountmappingid From (select new_accountmappingid,A.new_accountid,A.new_accountidname,A.new_accountnumber from Filterednew_accountmapping CS join(select new_accountid,new_accountidname,new_accountnumber,COUNT(1) as DuplicateRecordCount from Filterednew_accountmapping am inner join FilteredAccount ac on ac.accountid = am.new_accountid where new_accountid is not null and ac.statecode =0 and am.statecode =0 --where Am.new_accountidname='Village Vet of Urbana' Group By new_accountid,new_accountidname,new_accountnumber Having COUNT(1) >1)A on CS.new_accountid=A.new_accountid And CS.new_accountidname=A.new_accountidname And CS.new_accountnumber=A.new_accountnumber)A left outer Join Filterednew_cscase C on A.new_accountmappingid=c.new_cscallaccountmappingid where C.new_cscallaccountmappingid is null )
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Delete duplicates account mapping which do not referenced in CS Calls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin tran delete from new_accountmappingExtensionBase where new_accountmappingid in ( Select distinct a.new_accountmappingid From (select new_accountmappingid,A.new_accountid,A.new_accountidname,A.new_accountnumber from Filterednew_accountmapping CS join(select new_accountid,new_accountidname,new_accountnumber,COUNT(1) as DuplicateRecordCount from Filterednew_accountmapping am inner join FilteredAccount ac on ac.accountid = am.new_accountid where new_accountid is not null and ac.statecode =0 and am.statecode =0 Group By new_accountid,new_accountidname,new_accountnumber Having COUNT(1) >1)A on CS.new_accountid=A.new_accountid And CS.new_accountidname=A.new_accountidname And CS.new_accountnumber=A.new_accountnumber)A left outer Join Filterednew_cscase C on A.new_accountmappingid=c.new_cscallaccountmappingid where C.new_cscallaccountmappingid is null ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Update CS Call reference and delete duplicates account mapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --rollback tran begin tran DECLARE @Accountid uniqueidentifier, @AccountName nvarchar(100), @AccountNumber nvarchar(100), @AccountMapId uniqueidentifier DECLARE My_cursor CURSOR FOR select new_accountid,new_accountidname from Filterednew_accountmapping am inner join FilteredAccount ac on ac.accountid = am.new_accountid where new_accountid is not null and ac.statecode =0 Group By new_accountid,new_accountidname,new_accountnumber Having COUNT(1) >1 OPEN My_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM My_cursor INTO @Accountid, @AccountName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN Select distinct TOP 1 @AccountMapId = a.new_accountmappingid, @AccountNumber = a.new_accountnumber From (select new_accountmappingid,A.new_accountid,A.new_accountidname,A.new_accountnumber from Filterednew_accountmapping CS join(select new_accountid,new_accountidname,new_accountnumber,COUNT(1) as DuplicateRecordCount from Filterednew_accountmapping am inner join FilteredAccount ac on ac.accountid = am.new_accountid where Am.new_accountid=@Accountid and ac.statecode =0 and am.statecode =0 Group By new_accountid,new_accountidname,new_accountnumber Having COUNT(1) >1)A on CS.new_accountid=A.new_accountid And CS.new_accountidname=A.new_accountidname And CS.new_accountnumber=A.new_accountnumber)A left outer Join Filterednew_cscase C on A.new_accountmappingid=c.new_cscallaccountmappingid where C.new_cscallaccountmappingid is not null update c Set c.new_cscallaccountmappingid = @AccountMapId From new_cscase c WHERE c.new_cscallaccountmappingidname = @AccountNumber and c.new_accountnameid = @Accountid delete from new_accountmappingExtensionBase WHERE new_accountid = @Accountid and new_accountmappingid != @AccountMapId and new_accountnumber = @AccountNumber FETCH NEXT FROM My_cursor INTO @Accountid, @AccountName END CLOSE My_cursor; DEALLOCATE My_cursor;
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